Ministers of Jesus Christ
Church of The Lord Jesus Christ
Assemblies of The Apostolic Faith
Atlanta, Georgia - USA
Apostle Dennis G. Smith, Pastor and Spiritual Overseer

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Sister's Department ( Women )

The Sisters In Christ Auxiliary 

The Sisters In Christ Auxiliary is a women's praise and worship team.   They provide praise and worship songs for several services and events when they are called upon.


We are the Sisters In Christ. 




Rendering our praise at the 2009 Showers of Blessing Program. Song entitled “Create In Me A Clean Heart”.



The Sisters In Christ is praising the Lord at the Communion and Feet Washing Service.   They are singing the song, “Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand”.
The Sisters In Christ is praising the Lord at the Communion and Feet Washing Service.   They are singing the song, “Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand”.


Ministers of Jesus Christ
Church of the Lord Jesus Christ
Assemblies of the Apostolic Faith
935 Bolton Road
Atlanta, GA 30331